1957? Zenith 14" Portable
Model# Z1510L
This is a nice little set, a bit boring in Beige, the two tone models look better but what the heck, it works.
One interesting thing about this set is the stickers from two different TV repair shops in California.
One is Scott Electric which apparently had locations on 150th Ave in San Leandro, and "J" Street in Niles
the second is Lyles TV at 339 N. Fenimore in Azusa.
If you have any information on either of these shops I would love to hear from you!
("Grim", was this the owners name or the prognosis?)
There is a handle that swings up for carrying the set around.
Unlike most Zeniths of the era this one doesn't use a transformer in the power supply or real glass over the front and is comparatively lightweight.